Web Charts DRM-Log Plotter
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funklust HE-AAC
Freq.: 15785 kHz
Site: Erlangen-Nuernberg (DEU)
Date: 2016-08-05
Mode: A / 10 kHz
Bitrate: 22.96 kbps
Decoded Audio:
0.00 %
1.34 %
SNR values:
Max.: 5.77 dB
Min.: 0.05 dB
Average: 0.12 dB
Doppler values:
Max.: 1.60 Hz
Min.: 0.79 Hz
Average: 0.05 Hz
Delay values:
Max.: 0.41 ms
Min.: 0.10 ms
Average: 0.01 ms
3771 errors in Sync (93.32 %)
3987 errors in Fast Access Channel (98.66 %)
4041 errors in Main Service Channel (100.0 %)
Max. SNR at 12:21 UTC
Min. SNR at 12:20 UTC
Max. Doppler at 12:22 UTC
Min. Doppler at 12:02 UTC
Max. Delay at 12:28 UTC
Min. Delay at 12:20 UTC
Logging location:
Latitude: 59°25'N
Longitude: 18°01'E
Distance to TX Site: 1193 km
AZ to / from TX Site: 205 / 19 deg.
Receiver information: (Refer to the box below)
Mode (the first detected):
Runtime: 1 h 07 min
Software: Dream 1.6.1cvs
Yaesu FRG 7700, 70 cm active antenna and Dual Core Pentium 2.7 GHz
Now a rather seldom seen guest, but BiteXpress presented itself as "funklust" today during a burst of sporadic E (perhaps it helped). Funklust = Lust am Funk(en) = "like broadcasting" or something. I logged it for a while but the "Lust am (nicht) hören" soon disappeared. But it is nice to see that they still are on the air. But the bitrate is too high to get any audio, especially as the signal was hampered by deep Fading. And, I wonder if they ever experiment with the xHE-AAC?
Created with Web Charts DRM-Log Plotter Full version 4.1.8