Web Charts DRM-Log Plotter
Interactive graphs using Google Charts








Channel 1 Audio
Freq.: 7500 kHz
Site: Agana (GUM)
Date: 2018-12-23
All values at log start
Mode: B / 10 kHz
Bitrate: 17.46 kbps
Prot. Lev.: 0 / 0
Decoded Audio:
35.11 %
76.38 %
SNR values:
Max.: 19.05 dB
Min.: 0.71 dB
Average: 10.54 dB
Doppler values:
Max.: 2.70 Hz
Min.: 0.37 Hz
Average: 0.77 Hz
Delay values:
Max.: 10.43 ms
Min.: 0.10 ms
Average: 1.78 ms
169 errors in Sync (9.6 %)
416 errors in Fast Access Channel (23.62 %)
1132 errors in Main Service Channel (64.28 %)
Max. SNR at 13:02 UTC
Min. SNR at 13:15 UTC
Max. Doppler at 13:13 UTC
Min. Doppler at 13:03 UTC
Max. Delay at 13:13 UTC
Min. Delay at 13:13 UTC
Location: Hatorihoncho
Latitude: 34°59'N
Longitude: 138°20'E
Distance to TX Site: 2498 km
AZ to / from TX Site: 164 / 346 deg.
Receiver information: (Refer to the box below)
Mode (the first detected): B0000 from 12:56
Runtime: 29 minutes
Software: Dream 2.1.1-svn808
Yaesu FRG 7700, 70 cm active antenna and Dual Core Pentium 2.9 GHz
KTWR Guam with a test towards Japan logged for 29 minutes from 1246-1315 UTC. Max.19,05 dB max. SNR and 35,11% decoded audio. The transmission ended early. There was an AM transmission in Japanese just before the DRM transmission began. The propagation was pretty awful.
Created with Web Charts DRM-Log Plotter Full version 4.3.0