DRM-Log Plotter Screenshots
(Newest first)
KTWR to Japan in Japanese logged with FRG-7700 for 29 minutes from 1245-1315 UTC. Max. 17,29 dB SNR and 97,26% decoded audio. The program started at 1248 UTC after the interval signal. I listened with the DR-111 in parallel, but not so good decoding in the beginning with the telescopic antenna. From 1301 UTC more or less the same decoding on the DR-111 as with the FRG 7700. There were five slides, Plumeria flower, beach, flower, TWR logo and palm trees. The Audio was pleasant to listen to.
KTWR Mandarin in Chinese towards China logged for 30 minutes from 1026-1056 UTC. Max. 15,07 dB SNR and 49,66% decoded audio (64.9% between 1026-1048 UTC). The Bitrate was 13,18 kbps and they had KTWR MOT Slide show of which I got nothing because of Fading. The signal virtually disappeared towards the end of the transmission. There were Text Messages in English and Chinese during the transmission. Audio BW: Max. 11000 Hz. Audio quality: Spoken Chinese: Very good.
KTWR to Japan in Japanese logged with Airspy HF+ Discovery for 14 minutes from 1246-1300 UTC. At 1300 UTC I switched from the Airspy to the Yaesu FRG-7700. That's why there is a break in the log around this time. Reason for the switch was to see if there were any annoying re-syncs using the FRG-770. The rest of the transmission was logged for 15 minutes from 1300-1315 UTC.
The programme began at 1249 UTC after a long interval signal. I listened to the Japanese transmission in parallel with the Newstar DR-111 using its built-in antenna. Good reception. The DR-111 decoded everything perfectly. After switching to the 12 kHz Line Input I could decode the MOT Slide Show with the DRM Software Radio. There were two slides, one showing the TWR Logo and one with a picture of the antennas in the sunset.
Excellent conditions this evening. Max. 21,18 dB SNR and 96,40% decoded audio (including the break when changing receivers. When I split the log I got 88,5% decoded audio with the Airspy with its re-syncs and 99,0% with the FRG-7700. I did not make a log of the transmission with the DR-111.
The FRG-7700 S-meter showed S5-6 (22-27 dBuV). The Audio Spectrum ended at more than 11000 Hz. Very pleasant audio. Around 1330 UTC the Bitrate switched from 13,18 to 11,18 kbps and the Label was 'KTWR Japanese'. Later around 1333 UTC the Label had changed to KTWR DRM English. There was no decoded audio after 1315 UTC and during the 'English' transmission.
China National Radio logged for 220 minutes from 0110-0450 UTC. Max. 23,10 dB SNR and 73,53% decoded audio. Propagation in the early afternoon is not the best at my location.
China National Radio logged for 62 minutes from 0758-0900 UTC. Max. 22,76 dB SNR and 98,01% decoded audio.
KTWR DRM in Chinese towards China logged for 30 minutes from 1026-1056 UTC. Max. 14,89 dB SNR and 16,57% decoded audio. They had KTWR MOT Slide show of which I got nothing. The signal nosedived 7 minutes from the start. There were Text Messages during the transmission tonight. 11,18 kbps, EEP, aac, Mono, Chinese, Religion, Guam, ID:x1003. Mode B/10, 2s, 4/16 QAM, P:0/0, A:1/D:1 Timestamp: Yes. Audio BW: Max. 4000 Hz. Audio quality: Quite good.
China National Radio logged for 163 minutes from 0616-0900 UTC. Max. 25,49 dB SNR and 98,78% decoded audio. Slightly unstable around 0645 UTC.
KTWR (AZ 305 deg.) DRM towards China (?) logged for 17 minutes from 1039-1056 UTC. Max. 17,06 dB SNR and 65,12% decoded audio. I forgot about the transmission, so there was a late start. The Bitrate was 11,18 kbps and they had KTWR Slides of which I got one: "KTWR". The signal improved all the way to the time of shut down.
China National Radio logged for 124 minutes from 0655-0859 UTC. Max. 24,54 dB SNR and 99,86% decoded audio.
KTWR (AZ 305 deg.) DRM in Chinese logged for 30 minutes from 1026-1056 UTC. Max. 7,84 dB SNR and 1,08% decoded audio. The Bitrate was 11,18 kbps and they had KTWR Slides. Mostly unstable signal in Shizuoka. I could not decode any Multimedia (MM). Audio quality: Spoken Chinese, quite good. No good reception in Shizuoka. Some co-channel QRM hum on the QRG did not help.
China National Radio logged for 141 minutes from 0638-0900 UTC. Max. 22,79 dB SNR and 99,15% decoded audio. Garbled audio around 06:45 but OK later on around 08:30 UTC.
China National Radio logged for 113 minutes from 0707-0900 UTC. Max. 25,60 dB SNR and 99,86% decoded audio.
CNR-1 logged for 94 minutes from 2225-0000 UTC. Max. 15,06 dB SNR and 6,93% decoded audio. High bitrate with Mode A and 9 kHz bandwidth. When decoded, very good stereo audio. |
China National Radio logged for 78 minutes from 0742-0900 UTC. Max. 24,39 dB SNR and 97,88% decoded audio. |
China National Radio logged for 119 minutes from 0700-0900 UTC. Max. 19,26 dB SNR and 99,29% decoded audio. Only a 30 sec. TX break at 08:40 UTC. |
China National Radio logged for 175 minutes from 0605-0900 UTC. Max. 18,09 dB SNR and 95,68% decoded audio. |
China National Radio logged for 110 minutes from 0709-0900 UTC. Max. 19,36 dB SNR and 94,06% decoded audio. |
China National Radio logged for 213 minutes from 0526-0900 UTC. Max. 17,58 dB SNR and 96,39% decoded audio. |
China National Radio logged for 157 minutes from 0622-0900 UTC. Max. 18,70 dB SNR and 99,52% decoded audio. |
China National Radio logged for 122 minutes from 0657-0900 UTC. Max. 17,42 dB SNR and 97,53% decoded audio. |
China National Radio logged for 51 minutes from 0808-0900 UTC. Max. 18,38 dB SNR and 99,83% decoded audio. |
China National Radio logged for 97 minutes from 0722-0900 UTC. Max. 20,61 dB SNR and 98,38% decoded audio (including ahort TX break at 0831 UTC).
KTWR DRM English towards Japan, logged for 15 minutes from 1228-1243 UTC. Max. 13,16 dB SNR and 46,17% decoded audio. Signal strength was 30-43 dBuV with QSB. The Bitrate was 13.40 kbps and they had Multimedia tonight again. Mostly unstable signal in Shizuoka. The SNR was very low during the transmission. There were Text Messages tonight. I could not decode any Multimedia (MM). Configuration: 13,40 kbps, EEP, aac+, Mono, English, Religion, Guam, ID:x1003. Mode B/10, 2s, 4/16 QAM, P:1/0, A:1/D:0 Timestamp: Yes. Audio BW: Max. 11500 Hz. Audio quality: Spoken English and music, very good.
KTWR DRM English towards Japan, logged for 13 minutes from 1228-1241 UTC. Max. 9,25 dB SNR and 15,46% decoded audio. The Bitrate was 13.40 kbps and they had Multimedia tonight again. Mostly an unstable signal in Shizuoka. The log looks a lot like the previous transmission. As far as I understand there were no Text Messages. Configuration: 13,40 kbps, EEP, aac+, Mono, English, Religion, Guam, ID:1003. Mode B/10, 2s, 4/16 QAM, P:1/0, A:1/D:0 Timestamp: Yes. Audio Bandwidth: Max. 11500 Hz. Audio quality: Spoken English and music, very good. Audio from 7.5 dB SNR.
KTWR DRM English towards Japan, logged for 15 minutes from 1228-1242 UTC. Max. 11,64 dB SNR and 27,39% decoded audio. They had changed the Bitrate from 12.40 to 13.40 kbps and added MM instead of Slide Show. Mostly unstable signal in Shizuoka. The log looks a lot like the previous transmission. As far as I understand there were no Text Messages. Configuration: 13,40 kbps, EEP, aac+, Mono, English, Religion, Guam, ID:1003. Mode B/10, 2s, 4/16 QAM, P:1/0, A:1/D:0 Timestamp: Yes. Audio BW: Max. 11500 Hz. Audio quality: Spoken English and music, very good.
KTWR DRM English towards India, logged for 19 minutes from 1036-1055 UTC. Max. 16,09 dB SNR and 17,92% decoded audio. Quite good signal at the end of the transmission. MOT Slide Show pesent. Just managed to receive one slide. DRM Configuration: 12,40 kbps, EEP, aac+, Mono, English, Religion, Guam, ID:1003. Mode B/10, 2s, 4/16 QAM, P:1/0, A:1/D:1 Timestamp: Yes. Audio Bandwidth: Max. 11500 Hz. Audio quality: Spoken English and music, very good.
China National Radio logged for 145 minutes from 0634-0900 UTC. Max. 21,76 dB SNR and 99,23% decoded audio (including two short TX breaks at 0637 and 0830 UTC).
KTWR Mandarin towards China, logged for 60 minutes from 1100-1200 UTC. Quite good signal around 38-50 dBuV in strength. There were MOT Slide Show present. For some reason I could not receive any slides. Max. 20,25 dB SNR and 86,69% decoded audio. Data: 11,18 kbps, EEP, aac, Mono, Chinese, Religion, Guam, ID:1003, Mode B/10, 2s, 4/16 QAM, P:0/0, A:1/D:1 Timestamp: Yes. Audio BW: Max. 4000 Hz. Audio quality: Good.
11695 kHz, 0711 UTC: China National Radio logged for 109 minutes from 0711-0900 UTC. Max. 19,34 dB SNR and 97,38% decoded audio.
11695 kHz, 0801 UTC, China National Radio logged for 59 minutes from 0801-0900 UTC. Max. 20,42 dB SNR and 94,91% decoded audio (including a short TX break at 0822 UTC).
7500 kHz, 1229 UTC, KTWR to Japan logged with FRG-7700 for 14 minutes from 1229-1243 UTC. Bad conditions tonight. Max. 16,76 dB SNR and 4,72% decoded audio). Meta Data: 9,30 kbps (Japanese), EEP, aac, Mono, Japanese, Religion, Guam, ID:1001. 9,22 kbps (Korean), EEP, aac, Mono, Korean, Religion, Guam, ID:1003. Technical: Mode B/10, 2s, 16/64 QAM, P:1/0, A:2/D:2 Timestamp: Yes. Additionally KTWR Slides and Journaline were present, but not possible to decode here. This time I was not able to receive any text messages.
7500 kHz, 1228 UTC, KTWR to Japan. The broadcast was in Japanese tonight. logged with FRG-7700 for 14 minutes from 1228-1242 UTC. Good reception tonight. Max. 17,75 dB SNR and 91,18% decoded audio (99,57% from 1233 UTC). Meta Data: 10,72kbps, EEP, aac, Mono, Chinese (Mandarin) [!], Religion, Guam, ID:1003. Technical: Mode B/10, 2s, 4/16 QAM, P:0/0, A:1/D:1 Timestamp: Yes. There were Text Messages in Japanese in the Message window in DReaM V 2.1.1. The Audio Spectrum was limited to 4000 Hz.