A collection of Web DRM Log Plotter presentations
DRM Log Plotter using Google Charts API
Hello and welcome


DRM-Log Plotter files plotted with scripts from Google Chart Tools.


Logs taken with the National RF-B60 (newest first):

January 2018
KTWR 'Channel 1 Audio' 17530 kHz on 19th Jan. 2018 from 0815-0845 UTC.16.21 dB max. SNR and 17.93 % Audio
KTWR 'Channel 1 Audio' 17530 kHz on 18th Jan. 2018 from 0815-0845 UTC.14.08 dB max. SNR and 19.22 % Audio
KTWR 'Channel 1 Audio' 17530 kHz on 19th Jan. 2018 from 0815-0845 UTC.16.21 dB max. SNR and 17.93 % Audio